Jamie and I were in our early 30's, with a family of four young children, when we felt God calling us to become missionaries to the Mormon people of Utah. We moved to Ephraim in 1991 and were the first ever Christian ministry in town. To our knowledge, we were the only Christians (we later discovered two elderly women who were “secret” Christians in our community). When we started a Sunday Bible study in our living room, it was interesting to learn that the local people believed we were bringing a heretical cult into their community. This was ironic since our community was about 94% active members of the Mormon cult. Life in Ephraim was interesting and challenging on many levels. One great challenge was the fact that our children were the only Christians in the public school system. The growth of our fledgling Christian ministry was slow but steady.

In 1996, we officially founded the Ephraim Church of the Bible with about 40 in attendance. By 2005, the church had grown to about 100 people and the Lord began to lay a new burden on our hearts – to reach Snow College for Christ. This door of ministry was opened when God performed an amazing miracle by giving us a beautiful Victorian home across the street from Snow College. In 45 days, God provided over $200,000 in donations, so that we were able to pay cash for what would later become the Solid Rock Ministry House. In response to God's leading, I (Chip) resigned from my pastoral role at the Ephraim Church to found Tri-Grace Ministries. God was faithful to provide a new pastor for the Ephraim Church, Rodney Zedicher, and we started a new adventure. We started a Coffee House ministry in a Mormon community (coffee is taboo for all active Mormons) and we started the first ever Christian club on the Snow College Campus. The Solid Rock Café accomplished the desired goal of connecting us with those on the fringe of Mormonism. Over the years, the Café has become the primary “NET” which allows us to minister effectively to 1,000's people each year from the college and local community. Since coming to Utah, we have seen hundreds of Mormons come to saving faith in the true Jesus and the biblical gospel. Today, 30+ years after our move to Utah, there is a thriving community of Christians living in Sanpete County. God is Good; All the Time!

For about 15 years, Jamie and I directed the various ministries of Tri-Grace. In 2023 we handed that responsibility off to the Joneses who are now the Executive Co-Directors of TGM. Jamie and I still stay busy as missionaries with Tri-Grace and continue to reach Mormons for Christ. We have built many relationships over our 30+ years of service here in Utah. Jamie has a ministry to the art community of Ephraim and Snow College and she conducts community outreach events in Ephraim. Chip leads the Ephraim Church Men's ministry, teaches about biblical trustworthiness, writes a monthly archeology article in the newspaper, and guides the Solid Rock Café Israel Tours. We enjoy living in Ephraim near the Solid Rock Café where we can interact with the TGM staff and café patrons. We are slowing down, but we are far from finished serving our Lord as his missionaries to the Mormons of Utah.

Today all of our children live in Utah. Three of our four children are married and we are grandparents to seven grandchildren. All of our children love the Lord and serve him. We are so thankful that our grandchildren are being raised to love Jesus. God has been so good to us.  

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