Growing up in Utah as a Pastor’s kid, it was difficult to be a Christian. I was the only Christian in my high school until my sister joined me my junior year, and Icfelt completely alone. However, it forced me to develop a deep knowledge of God’s word and how to evangelize Mormons. By the time I finished high school I had made up my mind to leave Utah and vowed never to come back.
Thankfully God had other plans for my life than I had for my own! After living in Phoenix for 5 years, and finishing an education in Web Design and Graphic Design, God started moving in my heart to go back to Utah as a missionary. Little did I know that God was also working in the hearts of the TGM staff to seek a Director of Media Ministry. In August of 2012 I was asked to consider moving back to Utah to be full-time staff with TGM. Over the next six months, God opened up all the necessary doors for me to move back to Utah and gave me a renewed heart for the Mormon people, and a willingness to be used by Him in any way He pleased.
Because of my upbringing in Utah God has uniquely equipped and gifted me to work with LDS people. And He has given me a passion to reach Mormon people for Him! I am excited to be the new Director of International Ministries for Tri-Grace after being here full-time for the last 3 years. I also do evangelism training , and do website development, design and maintenance as some of my other ministry responsibilities. I am excited to take on this new endeavor and can't wait to see what God does through it!
Everyday I wake up I can’t believe God has allowed me to do this as my ministry, job and life. He is so good! He is the one that deserves all of the praise for the work that is being accomplished in Ephraim. God has been faithful in showing His grace in all areas of ministry and I know He will continue to do so. Praise be to God for His unfailing love!
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